What do the children do at OSHC?
We provide a wide variety of activities over a term, including special themed days, drama, sport, art and craft, science, cooking, and much more. The program caters to children’s age, developmental needs, skills, and interests, with a commitment to ensuring inclusion for children with additional needs.
We understand the importance of play, including spontaneous, child-initiated play;
We allow quiet time to do homework and provide encouragement;
We actively seek input and feedback from educators, children, and families and evaluate programs weekly;
Children will be provided with a choice of activities each day, with a big emphasis on friendship
What food is provided?
Nutrition is a core part of our program. We understand that children need a good start to the day with a filling and healthy breakfast and at 3pm they are hungry again so require a tasty afternoon tea with a good balance of fresh food, fruit, and vegetables. Our menus are developed in line with EQ’s Smart Choices Guidelines and PANOSH and we are members of Nutrition Australia. Menus are on display at the service and change weekly. All products used are of high quality, with an emphasis on using organically grown, free-range foods as much as possible. During vacation care, we are fully catered offering nutritious breakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea each day.
Where is OSHC held?
We are very proud of our custom-designed OSHC Pavilion located between the Pool and Tennis Court and also utilise D Block. The OSHC Office is located under A Block facing Wentworth Parade and we also use the Hall and much of the outdoor play space and playgrounds on the school grounds. We operate out of some of the school classrooms on wet weather days also. For drop off and pickup for OSHC, parents are welcome to park on Wentworth Parade in the Stop Drop Go Zone before 8am and after 3.30pm.
How do I get an enrolment form?
The enrolment information can be requested from coordinators by emailing us at oshcgeneral@bulimbass.eq.edu.au.
Can I have a casual booking?
Bookings may be permanent or casual. However, to hold your place at the centre on a given day, permanent bookings are advised.
If additional places become available on certain days, casual bookings will be accepted for children who require care on a non-regular basis. A slightly higher fee is charged for casual bookings for each session type.
Does my child have to attend every day during the holiday program?
No – you can pick only the days you require or which appeal to your child although we are sure children will find every day just as amazing. A detailed program which explains all the activities, visiting entertainers and excursions that occur will be issued to parents about 5 weeks before the holidays commence. Casual vacation care bookings must be completed via the Xap desktop portal or app and by filling in any additional permission forms for excursion days.
Can I stop, drop and go when my child attends OSHC?
No. A parent/guardian (or other authorised adult) must sign children in for before school care and vacation care and sign a child out for after-school care and vacation care. For drop off and pickup for OSHC, parents are welcome to park on Wentworth Parade in the Stop Drop Go Zone before 8am and after 3.30pm.
Children need to be collected on time. There is a late collection penalty of $15.00 for every 15 minutes (or part thereof) after 6.00pm. Please let staff know if you are going to be held up to avoid concern by children and staff.
Gate sign in option for before school care
The Service currently offers the opportunity for parents to do a “Gate Sign In” on Wentworth Parade between 7.00am to 7.30am each morning where an OSHC educator will be present just inside the Wentworth Parade gate. Parents can park, walk their child to the gate, sign in and leave quickly to avoid congestion during this busy time.
What if my child can't attend OSHC?
If your child is not able to attend OSHC as arranged, please advise as soon as possible via the Xap online portal. Fees will not be charged for non-attendance if 1 full week or more notice is given. Notification is also important for safety reasons and to prevent time wasted looking for an absent child. The Coordinator will ring you to confirm an unexplained absence. There are additional fees in relation to failing to notify of absence and these fees are set at $10/child/occasion, subject to one exception/calendar year.
Excursions and incursions at an additional cost and are set out in the program issued at least 4 weeks before the holiday period. All cancellations are to made via the Xap online portal or and must be made 1 full week in advance to avoid paying the full fee. We do not offer an alternative on excursion days for children to remain at the service whilst other students attend the excursion. Although we will endeavour to meet the care requirements of the community if excursion places are limited and are sold out.
Likewise, if you require changed days, or casual days, please advise us via the Xap online portal, Casual Booking App or via email.
What happens if my child is hurt at OSHC?
Parents will be advised if any accident/injury has occurred. Minor incidents will be notified to the parent on collection. Major incidents will be notified as soon as possible. Detailed description of the incident and any action taken by staff, will be filed in the Accident/Incident folder.
In the event of a serious injury, a local doctor/ambulance will be contacted immediately, then the parent/emergency contact will be notified.
Are there other extracurricular activities provided?
In addition to our planned program, the service aims to offer optional additional activities facilitated by our talented team of educators. Some examples of these programs are our Budding Chefs Program, Touch Rugby, Netball, Dancing, Speech and Drama and many more! We are constantly exploring different experiences based on the children’s interests and following the extensions of learning that occur.
Children can also transition back and forth from other extra-curricular activities provided on school grounds by external providers (eg. tennis lessons, martial arts, environmental club, chess club etc) if the additional activities permission form is completed by the parent and suitable transitioning arrangements have been put in place. Please see the Coordinators for details. A link to the permission form can be found on the Parent Portal page.
What about the Child Care Subsidy?
Fees will be charged LESS any Child Care Subsidy (CCS) due. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to register with the Family Assistance Office and to provide the service with the following information to ensure childcare entitlements/childcare tax rebate is received.
Child CRN
Parent CRN
Date of birth of parent(s) and child
Remember – CCS can only be deducted from the date we are advised by the Family Assistance Office. It is your responsibility to advise the Family Assistance Office promptly of any changes to your circumstances, which may affect your subsidy.